
Hello reader,

You appear to have stumbled across my website, the source of all places you can find my writing. If you were seeking this place, then welcome! If you got horribly lost during a meander through the internet, then I can only apologise but I must point out that you are still reading. Allow me to introduce myself.

I am Andy Cashmore, graduating English with Creative Writing student from the University of Birmingham. In the past I have written many things; poetry, collaborative plays, shopping lists. Yet the work which you may stumble across by me (found here) is mainly flash fiction, extremely short stories of no more than 1,000 words. I am also working on longer projects, but these will take some time to come to fruition.

That’s about it. If you have any questions about my work, flash fiction, fantasy, football or penguins then just ask below.

All the best,


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